New York City Fighting Gangs
Teenage "Jitterbugging" gangs from the 1950s
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Order My Climb to the Top of the Bottom
My Climb to the Top of the Bottom
Chapters in My Climb to the Top of the Bottom
Order The Thief and the Widow
Bronx Gangs
Bronx Rockets & Lightnings
Escape up the… Dumbwaiter Shaft?
Jake LaMotta and (some of) his Early Years
Ronald H of the Collegiate Crowns
The Bronx Noble Dukes and the Mysterious Five
Brooklyn Gangs
“Black Patch” of the Jesters and the Pastor who tried to help him
“How Can You Be a Good Boy When You Don’t Have a Father?”
“So dont for get to wright me”
An Italian Immigrant’s Story
Beebop of the Roman Lords
Victor Torres and Son of Evil Street
Bishops Invade Flatbush
Bishops on Church Street
Bruce Davidson and Brooklyn Gang
“It is not his fault”
Confiscated Contraband in New York State Reformatory 1962
Court-ordered diary from a Hellburner
Hellburner In Rumble, or Not?
The Corinthians from Williamsburg
Does this drawing reveal anything?
Random Doodle Found
El Kovans Youth Gang, Red Hook, 1950s
From one brother to another
Gowanus Boy in His Own Words
Greene Avenue Stompers, Nits & Memorial Day Rumble
Hector of the Phantom Lords
JM and an Attack in Williamsburg
Joseph and the Fish Sandwich
Marcy Ave Chaplains and Brief Description of the Immortal Sinners gang
Marcy, Sumner and a Nest of Youth Gangs
Buccaneers and Marcy Chaplains – March 1960
Memoir Excerpt from Efraim Ruiz of the Roman Lords
Papo of the Apaches Gang
Postscript of Beebop’s Life
President Street Boy → Colombos → Back to Beginning
Profile of a Williamsburg gang assault
Sands Street, Brooklyn – Diorama of Late 1940s Street Scene
Selling Price for a Switchblade in 1952
Socialistic Gents (Brownsville)
Story Behind a Picture – The Life and Times of the Jackson Gents
The Charlie Rocca Incident
The Halsey Bops
“It was a rather hectic night at the 81st Precinct”
They were pals
Vice of the El Kovons Gang from Red Hook
“I’m Ready to Take my Medicine”
Salvatore Mangiamelli and the Payroll Caper
Manhattan Gangs
A Friend is a Friend, No Matter What He Does
A Harlem Party, a Knock at the Door and a Smith & Wesson
Assassins, West Harlem
Copians and Dragons East Harlem
Crime Scene Photos from a 1950s Youth Gang Homicide: Harlem Assassins and Sinners
East Harlem Dukes
Eddie of the Enchanters Gang, 1955
Edward Falco of the Mayrose Lower East Side
Gang Initiation
Ground Zero – Socialistic Dukes and Comanches Gangs’ (Harlem)
Hector of the Forsythe Boys
Interview with Jocko of the Harlem Lords
Harlem Lords Gang Song (used on the way to rumbles)
Up From Harlem Comic Book
Joe of the Red Wings Gang
Julio Rosario & Lower Eastside Sportsmen
Little Known Youth Gang from Manhattan – The Seven Saints
Profile of a Python Knight, an East Harlem Gang
Robert, The Sailor and a Manhattan Assault
Rudolph and the Colt .45
Scotchmen from Harlem
Scotchmen, Assassins and 2 Stabbings
Sportsmen from the Lower East Side
Two Viceroys and a Gun
Viceroy Alberto Torres vs. Judge Gerald Culkin
East Harlem Gangs in the 1950s
What’s New in NYC Gang Research
What’s New – Facebook
What’s New – Website
Introduction to 50s Gangs
“A Useful Citizen Employed”
After the gang, what next?
Blades, man!
Court Records for NYC Youth Gang Homicides
My Trip New York City August 2013
Gang boys’ relationship with their fathers
Gang Graffiti
Gang Jackets
King of Queens
Little Known Gangs
New York City Italian Youth Gangs and the Mafia
Young Turks Gang against the Mafia
“Make Sure You Have More Next Time”
P.A.L. (Police Athletic League)
Radio & TV sources for New York City Youth Gangs from the 1950s
Reports on JD and… Interesting Film Project on Gangs
Social Clubs vs. Gangs
Zip Guns and Two Enterprising Entrepreneurs
Gang Jargon
What constitutes a “gang” killing?
Suggested Reading
Gang Homicides 1953-1960
1953 Gang Killings
1954 Gang Killings
1955 Gang Killings
1956 Gang Killings
1957 Gang Killings
1958 Gang Killings
1959 Gang Killings
1960 Gang Killings
1961 Gang Killings
Summary of Specific Gang Homicides
1954 Red Wings & Fordham Baldies
Ernest Montuoro Profile
Death of “Bo” Andrew Whalen a Jackson Gent
A little more about “Bo,” a former Jackson Gent
Ditmas Dukes & Gremlins
East Harlem Red Wings & Jefferson Park Killing
Newspaper Picture of Members of Red Wings Gang
Mau Maus and Sand Street Angels, 1959
“You are Who Hang With…” And other Notes of Gang Warfare Involving the Viceroys
Details about my upcoming book about the Mau Maus
Update on Book April 2017
Book Cover for Brooklyn Rumble: Mau Maus, Sand Street Angels, and the End of an Era
Update on Book February 2018
Update on Book December 2017
Suicide Mau Maus – Brooklyn Youth Gang
Michael Farmer Murder
Ellery Bop & Halsey Bop Threat Letter
Trial Minutes for Michael Farmer Trial
Stenographer’s tape
Who are they?
Capeman & Umbrella Man
Salvador Agron’s Arrest & Notoriety of Case
Salvador Agron’s House
The Ultimate Penalty
Transcripts of Statements Made to Police
Video Footage of Salvador “Capeman” Agron
Interesting Links
88th Precinct Police Confiscates Zip Gun and Machete from Fort Greene Gang 1950s
Board Game
88th Precinct Police Confiscates Zip Gun and Machete from Fort Greene Gang 1950s
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